Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

eBay Seller Strikes Again

Why do I insist on buying from sellers who decide to do stupid things? Stupid begets stupid apparently...

My newest saga of eBay irritation is about a seller that listed an item then left town until 5 days after the auction ended. I could've been playing with my toy all week, but now I am not going to get it until after Labor Day! Lame!


Saturday, August 27, 2005

Pet Peeve Numero Infinito

I still haven't received an explanation for why my roommate did this, so maybe there will be another post to explain exactly why he did this...

So, I'm using the bathroom yesterday and my roommate knocks on the door asking for a turn so he can get ready for work. OK. I finish and exit to find an empty water bottle sitting upright in the middle of the doorway blocking my entrance to the hall. Not that a water bottle is a particularly large object to scale, but still I have to think to myself...why is this thing now here that wasn't here 10 minutes ago? Why is it sitting upright if it's not here on accident? It can't be on accident...why did he put this here?

My solution - leave it there. I come back later that day (much much later - we're talking 7, maybe 8 hours)'s still there. Purturbed... What the h-e-double hocky stick? Is this just another strike of my roommate, a.k.a. Mr. Lazy? Who knows. Anyway, to fix the problem I stuck it in front of his doorway - right in the middle. It's still there right now...


Monday, August 22, 2005

Top 5 Reasons The Simpsons is My Fav:

1. Homer makes me feel smart...really really smart
2. "Doh", is a phrase that brings joy to my heart
3. The way Nelson tauntingly says, "Ha-ha", whenever something bad happens to someone else
4. It's like Neverland - they never get older
5. Bart has 2 arch-nemesis' and he's only a kid

So, why do you like The Simpsons?


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Closing Time

It's that time again. Time for me to leave my internship and go back to hell...I mean UNR. Not that UNR is inherently bad, actually, it's a quite beautiful campus. I suppose I should clarify so that my statement isn't so much about a place and more about what the place is about. I hate school. I have gone 15 years straight...I'm done...really done...except I'm not actually. So you're thinking, "Shut up whiner, you only have another year left!" Well, yeah, I do...but I don't care! I revert to my childhood and retort, "I don't wanna!"

Still there are other things that excite me about this year. God always gives us that nice balance of crappy and nice things - usually just enough to keep us happy learning new things. (Yes, I am feeling fairly cynical today...) I must digress my cynicism and list some points of personal glee. I do risk embarrassment because, at the moment, I feel like being extremely honest.

Reasons, in no particular order, I am glad to be starting a new semester:
-I get to live in one place again
-I get to hang out w/ friends more often
-I get to sleep in a little more because class doesn't start until 10 am
-I get to learn more leadership skills through leading the Crusade ministry
-I'll spend less $$$ on gas


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

It's been a while

So, as JayBird pointed out, it's been a while since my last post. Life has been busy!

My coming back post is simple. I need your prayers. Last Sunday I got a mean scrape sliding into 2nd base and this week it is starting to get infected. I don't like this... It makes me unhappy...

And just for gross out factor...


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Potty Humor

I was in the bathroom a few minutes ago spending some quality time on the company "john"- Bently has really nice bathrooms by the way - and some guy came in to use the urinal. No big's pretty normal for 10 or 12 people to come and go while I sit in my stall. But when this one guy came in he must have been thinking he was all by his lonesome. Nothing out of the ordinary to start with, pretty normal...for a men's restroom anyway. Then, the funniest thing I've heard in a he's finishing up, he states, "Oh, yeah, that's the ticket!" Not too loud, but not too soft either...let's call it a "normal" tone of voice.

HAHAHAHAHAHA...I put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. I don't think he ever noticed me...


Sunday, August 07, 2005

King of me

open up the floodgates
i am the one
who worships
these hands, these feet
made by
You, directed by You
nothing can hold back
You are, Living Water
You are, King of me

thank You, for You are
You are grace
You are faithfulness
You are peace
You are power
You are, Lord, You are

flow over me
let me be a rock in
Your river
my spirit overflowing with
made by
You, directed by You
nothing can hold back
You are, Living Water
You are, King of me

i am nothing without
i am so thankful
i am so thankful
You are
King of me


Friday, August 05, 2005

Alexander the Effeminate

So I watched the new WB flick, "Alexander", tonight. Man, what a lame movie. Don't you think Martha Stewart would've been less of a pansy than Colin Farrell? Holy crap...I mean look at the sissy...he's thinking, "Look at my legs, aren't they so smooth? Oh, now look at my hair! Isn't the body and flow just great? I know, I'm so fab." Give me a break.

A few times I actually caught myself thinking that he was doing a good job looking pretty am I embarrassed to admit that...don't worry folks the insanity was only temporary - Colin quickly reminded me that he was cast into the wrong role. He should've played the gay pretty boy that Alexander hooks up with. That would've suited him better...

My vote, fast forward through'll waste less of your life that way.


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

It's all your fault...

Due to the general lack of comments I refuse to make a real post today.

Not really, I am just too tired to think of anything real to say...

But I still want you to all makes some comments, come on people!!


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Thanks to Brint

So, upon reading the links on Brint's "truly random" blog....I arrive at THIS (CLICK HERE) website. I'm reading through it, and one of the post cards is this one...

How funny is that? OK, yeah, it's completely messed up and wrong, but can't you see Opie sitting there thinking this?


Another funny one...

Admit've thought about something similar...


Monday, August 01, 2005

Battle on...

Last night, as I was lying down to sleep God opened my spiritual eyes to let me see what He was doing in me. It was not my imagination, it was too...divine. I saw my friends - one by one - within reaching distance, then like lightning, so so far away. Like a hole being dug into my heart, every time it happened I felt so alone - every time, deeper and deeper within me. Then, filling up. Overflow. Christ. Overwhelmed. Friends are important...but do not lean on them over Me. Trust Me, for I Am. Power.

Then, far off, just in sight were two warriors. Striking at each other. Hard. Fast. Many times one attempting to advance, but forced back furiously. Then I had this overwhelming knowledge that this fight was over the rights to my spirit, to my being. I had an amazing feeling of safety and longing for Christ. It was strange, but not frightening. Peaceful, yet disturbing. Clarity...


OK, I lied...a semi-real post

CLICK ME - then blog below...

It might just be me, but what is this man upset about? It irritates me that seniors who don't own a vehicle are eligible for the rebate...too bad more folks haven't traded in their licenses! It doesn't seem very fair that a person who hasn't registered a car should get a rebate on vehicle registration. What do you all think?


An anti-post

I am tired today. I can't go on. I'll give you a topic and you can talk amongst yourselves. Topic: Bathroom etiquette - why is it taboo for one man to speak with another when bodily fluid/excrement is involved (a.k.a. in the restroom)? Go...
