An anti-post

I am tired today. I can't go on. I'll give you a topic and you can talk amongst yourselves. Topic: Bathroom etiquette - why is it taboo for one man to speak with another when bodily fluid/excrement is involved (a.k.a. in the restroom)? Go...
i didn't know it was taboo. maybe that's why all those guys look at me funny . . .
Mon Aug 01, 02:51:00 PM PDT
all right- i confess- i get the creeps when another guy talks to me in the head. i especially get creeped-out by the guy that wants to talk when you're doing the sit-down stuff. i think to myself: stop talkin' dude, i don't know you & now is not the time to socialize. on top of that- you smell & make funny noises. ;-)
Mon Aug 01, 03:33:00 PM PDT
sometimes i cant pee if someone enters the room right before i start
Tue Aug 02, 04:56:00 PM PDT
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