Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Stop letting go of "the rope"

I find it hard to feel like I haven't wasted my day when I truely take a day of rest. I get the end of it and feel frustrated at myself for not accomplishing anything. Then the struggle ensues - do I listen to my mind or do I listen to my spirit. My spirit tells me that Christ was right to command us spend that one day of rest, but then my mind jears back and upchucks all over...NO!, you must not survive! I win at tug-o-war every time, haha!

My mind usually wins. All the kicking and screaming - and not to mention the cape - just trick me into releasing my grip because it is less painful than getting rope burn. But still, I want my spirit to win; for, my spirit is not mine, it is of Christ! It is of His puity, His strength, His grace, and His goodness (by the way, His strength is most likely represented by the black kid and His grace by the hippie kid...LOL). For my spirit to win is for Christ to win...I can't loose with that setup!

And still, I let my mind win this one...



Blogger Double D said...

See...I don't have this problem...I'm controlled by this idea of "laziness" and if I do nothing at all for a day I think that its the greatest day ever, and I wish that the next would be just as productive, and this trend continues as days go on...I think in this sense you should try and be more like me, if you want I can have a little bracelet made up for you to wear on this "days of rest" that say "W.W.P.D" of course standing for "What Would Peter Do" I think this might be effective when you think to your self "I need to do something or my day is a waste"

Wed Jul 27, 10:56:00 PM PDT


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