Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Monday, July 25, 2005

Have I found my peace?

Well, it's been nearly 3 months now since my breakup with my fiance. It was the strangest ending to a relationship that I've ever had. There was no yelling, no fighting, no mutual hatred or was just a coming to terms of reality. The fact of the matter was that reality, at least on my part, was ignored for the better part of the last year of the relationship - maybe more.

Despite spending 3.5 years with this girl, the first month apart actually brought me much joy. I feel blessed that God tore me from her, though it hurts more now than it did at first. I cared about her so much that I made my life about her. So much so that I failed her as the leader by putting my focus on pleasing her rather than God. We were young...we were stupid. High school seniors. What the hell did we know about a good Christian relationship? Nothing. The little parts of our relationship that were actually centered on God were probably the only things that kept us from breaking it off sooner...funny that we used something good and correct to fool ourselves so badly. If only human error was a little less human...

Now, every day I make a conscience decision to search for peace and content in being alone. Some days I'm closer, some I'm farther, others I forget about it completely...I think those are my best days.



Blogger scoeyd said...

the grieving process for relationships is often missed - right now, you're getting to look back on something (&someone) that you poured yourself into for 3 1/2 years. you made a good call on the relationship, yet you still grieve, you hurt, you wonder, "is this really what i wanted?"

i don't want to throw you a cliche or say something stupid; rather, just an encouragement - you're doing well, you're processing in such a way as to know that the decisions you made on this relationship can be a good basis for any other relationship you get into in the future. and, the pain is evidence that you brought a lot of yourself to the situation; it's definitely not God punishing you

Mon Jul 25, 04:54:00 PM PDT


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