So American - So Fat
I love Garfield Comic Strips and Homer Simpson. I sat down today at lunch and I had to ask myself - why the heck to I like these cartoon fatties? It's simple - it appeals to my American nature. TV, radio, banners, and billboards alike all advertise, "Get fat because we make more $$$ that way!" I have enough seen a local billboard off Interstate 80 that read something similar to "Atkins, shmatkins." I have also seen a very sexy lobster which neither makes me want to eat lobster, nor anything else at the moment! But I understand the premise - eat up fatty. Still, many these advertisements speak to my inner-American..."eat me man...just one once in a's ok...everyone has tastes so good... "
In a world full of these "sexy lobsters" the American public is still force fed - excuse the cliche - that you have to be lean, fit, and desirable. Oh, I can't go on... I need to eat something...
I don't get it, am I suposed to be fat and eat a lot, or am I suposed to be "lean, fit, and desirable"? Help me out...maybe I'll just try to be more like the "sexy lobster" on the boomtown billboard...yeah, sexy lobster
Tue Jul 19, 01:50:00 PM PDT
I would prefer if you went sexy lobster - you'd be a lot hotter if you were a chick. I gotta invest in one of those Mt. Dew car clickers that changes dudes into hot women...
Tue Jul 19, 03:32:00 PM PDT
Jamison is a blogger. I knew the end of the world was coming.
Tue Jul 19, 04:29:00 PM PDT
You know, something that bothers have the same blog background. It's strange and ironic...I don't like it much.
Tue Jul 19, 05:31:00 PM PDT
dude, i'm phat with a "ph". and american. yeah, baby
Fri Jul 22, 07:49:00 PM PDT
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