This post inspired and brought to you by Tim, "large and in charge...he's your man..."
Question 1:
Does it bother any one else when Christians make the study of Revelations into the study what/when/where rather than who God is and why he wants us to expect certain signs?
I was watching some of a national conference from the IHOP (no, not the pancake house...the International House of Prayer) called OneThing. This guy was talking about Revelations, but he was talking about who God is or how He wants us to be...rather this guy was using Revelations to say that he is seeing signs and the time is soon and all Christians should convert to End Times methodology. Wacky. He wasn't so direct mind you, but his subtleties basically flaunted, "This is my personal conviction in're a bad Christ follower if you don't follow my conviction".
Question 2:
Is this kind of stuff messed up to anyone else?
I think I'd rather go to the International House of Pancakes. :) At least there I can freely express my own opinion without having it be "wrong". No one there has ever been upset with me for saying that I don't like French Toast!!!
Fri Jan 05, 12:24:00 AM PST
First off, it's in singular Revolation not plural, get it right. :) I like this subject. I think you are spot on to say that we need to focus on our relationship with God now because of who he is, not because it's almost "The End". Moses said a while back that there have probably been groups exactly like this since after Jesus ascended (groups that think this is it, it's all over). As you go back in time there are tons of 'signs' that would lead many to beleive 'these are the last days'. My view: nobody will know when, where, or how...Jesus didn't even know that and said that we shouldn't worry. Each day we are closer, but I love Jesus for His mercy, grace, love, ect. Not for fear of the end.
Fri Jan 05, 09:44:00 AM PST
To me, it seems like if nothing else we can believe that we are in the last days because of the establishment of the State of Israel and the clear Bible prophecy related to that event.
Also, I think that political and cultural trends point to the eventual establishment of a one-world government, but who can say how soon it will happen?
God promises a blessing on those who read Revelation. I think it's interesting to follow the prophecies and to wonder how they fit with what's happening in the world.
The way people get into trouble is by making dogmatic interpretations and predictions.
Fri Jan 05, 05:39:00 PM PST
Interesting thing that I didn't think about yesterday... There is this man who comes into the Evil K every year to make copies of his "book" in which he predicts EXACTLY when the end is, and it's always within the year. And every year he comes back with some small change because he made a "minor miscalculation". Maybe his minor miscalculation was thinking that he could calculate this to begin with!
Fri Jan 05, 11:17:00 PM PST
Jesus said know one knows the day or hour except the Father, but he did say we should be able to tell the season . . . and as Georgia stated, it is dogmatism that is the problem . . . when people share their opinion in a more humble, cautious manner, it is far easier to at least consider their point of view . . .
Sat Jan 06, 07:14:00 PM PST
i'm just going to go on record saying that international house of prayer is by far the stupidest name for an organization. Ever. i couldn't even muster up an argument to anything they would tell me simply because their name is too dumb!
Mon Jan 29, 02:22:00 PM PST
i like how interpretations can be made "factual". so many try to understand God. You will not understand Him. I love hearing about christians trying to scare people into following after Jesus. We should act the same in the end times as we do in the....well not end times. Like mentioned above, only the Father knows the end. its not our job to figure out when it is. we wont find it. and if we were able to, would it affect our relationship? would it make us stronger?
Tue Feb 27, 11:11:00 AM PST
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