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Monday, August 22, 2005

Top 5 Reasons The Simpsons is My Fav:

1. Homer makes me feel smart...really really smart
2. "Doh", is a phrase that brings joy to my heart
3. The way Nelson tauntingly says, "Ha-ha", whenever something bad happens to someone else
4. It's like Neverland - they never get older
5. Bart has 2 arch-nemesis' and he's only a kid

So, why do you like The Simpsons?



Blogger TimmyMac said...

I used to watch the Simpson's all the time and have been known to say "doh" a time or two.

10+ years ago when I was a single dad raising two daughters, The Simpsons was an important part of our family time. I would cook dinner and we would plop down in front of the TV to eat and laugh together. I always enjoyed the irreverance, partly because it made me think about my own values when those values were challenged, but mainly because I was a real smartass myself.

I also enjoyed telling other parents who criticized me for allowing my kids to watch the show that MY children were intelligent enough to know the difference between fantasy and reality and that they knew better than talk to me that way (only partly true). Looking back, I realize I was cocky and brass, and there was still enough rebel in me that enjoyed bucking the system.

(Sigh) Those were the days! I rarely watch Simpson's these days as my wife Sue doesn't much care for them (I'm sure she agrees with Stevo's assessment), but your blog brought back pleasant memories of some of the bonding times I had with my older two kids. Thanks.

Mon Aug 22, 09:03:00 PM PDT

Blogger Double D said...

I like the beer song...

Mon Aug 22, 10:57:00 PM PDT

Blogger Jeni said...

I like The Simpsons because as much as it hurts to acknowledge it, Springfield is what the world is really like. Okay, it may be exaggerated just a bit (okay, a lot) but at the root of it is a realistic assessment of society and its values. Everyone has a right to like/dislike a show as they see fit--Personally I can't STAND Seinfeld--but MOST people I know who don't like The Simpsons don't get the satirical portrayal of reality that it offers.
Sorry to go all academic and philosophical on the topic. So to sum it up:

Mon Aug 22, 11:26:00 PM PDT

Blogger JayBird said...

ummmmm..... yeah...... tv shows are "preference" thingys. i tend to think that garbage in = garbage out. what is "garbage"? , if not specifically stated in the Bible, we must go by conviction (Holy Spirit). this could be a whole chat on "liberty/freedom" found in Romans. i better stop now, so i don't start preachin'. good post frad-ster- you got the juices flowin' here.

Tue Aug 23, 08:09:00 AM PDT

Blogger digapigmy said...

the simpsons is great. the reason it has lasted longer than almost any other prime time show ever is that it has developed from a not-very-good animated sitcom (see the first 2 seasons) to one of the funniest social satires on TV in the last 2 decades. a big reason is the inherent advantages it has being animated (odd things can happen, characters never age, etc.)

Tue Aug 23, 04:59:00 PM PDT

Blogger David said...

If you like the Simpsons, don't watch the Family Guy; you'll never want to watch the Simpsons again. I respect the Simpson's for what they were, but the Family guy is just better in every single way. It's smarter, more lowbrow, and thus, funnier.

Not to mention the FACT that the last 3 seasons of the Simpsons have been about as funny as the first three. It's now just all about which hacky celebrities they can get to have on as guest voices. Another problem is that it takes so long for them to come out with each new season, that they have got nothing new or fresh to say about anything anymore.

I know it will hurt to admit this is true, but your wounds will heal in time.

Fri Aug 26, 02:56:00 PM PDT

Blogger SeƱor H said...

I completley agree with david. Family Guy has taken the satire bar to a whole new level. Many times(david you'll like this one), I find myself laughing just becasue I know Rosenburg would be offended by it. Take that Howie.

Mon Aug 29, 11:29:00 AM PDT


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