Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Friday, July 29, 2005

I pun foo

If anyone was at Hillside last Sunday they would've witness a certain board member's attempt at being "hip". This poor guy, who will remain nameless to the general internet crowd, attempted to make a pun about how old people don't know anything about "foo foo fighters" and prove that he was "hip" and "with it" when it comes to the music of us - meaning my generation - of young people. Exnay the hipney man...stick with the dylan.

FYI - the band is called "Foo Fighters"'s ok D.C., even if the youth never forget the bungle, the old people will. Mainly because people as old as you can't remember past last friday...


Thursday, July 28, 2005

I'm Neurotic! But Please, No Narcotics...

I think I have a mild grade of post dramatic stress disorder.

It was last summer about this time of the year when my car got broken into the first time. It was on the street in front of my parents parents house! It really hit me hard. Nothing was stolen, no harm to the car except for the window, but still, it really bothered me.

I had a severe emotional reaction not because they broke my window or tried to take my belongings, but because they had the guts to do. A car is a just a material good, but the fact that they broke into my car bothered me because it's mine, not anyone else's. Not like I really would've shared if they had asked, but it hit me really hard and bother me quite a bit that some childish person out there could come back at any moment and destroy/steal more of my property without any repercussions.

Since then, I spend over an hour forcing myself to sleep through any noise or bussle anytime my car is parked outside. The tick of a clock is enough to make my adrenaline rush unchecked through my system. My mind thinks first of the worst, then I must spend the next few minutes of quiet talking myself out of it so I don't have to go outside and take a look around. I usually believe myself just as the wind blows and the mental arguing resumes...

Thank the Lord for garages - I park my car there and sleep like a baby.


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Stop letting go of "the rope"

I find it hard to feel like I haven't wasted my day when I truely take a day of rest. I get the end of it and feel frustrated at myself for not accomplishing anything. Then the struggle ensues - do I listen to my mind or do I listen to my spirit. My spirit tells me that Christ was right to command us spend that one day of rest, but then my mind jears back and upchucks all over...NO!, you must not survive! I win at tug-o-war every time, haha!

My mind usually wins. All the kicking and screaming - and not to mention the cape - just trick me into releasing my grip because it is less painful than getting rope burn. But still, I want my spirit to win; for, my spirit is not mine, it is of Christ! It is of His puity, His strength, His grace, and His goodness (by the way, His strength is most likely represented by the black kid and His grace by the hippie kid...LOL). For my spirit to win is for Christ to win...I can't loose with that setup!

And still, I let my mind win this one...


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A real life church BURN

I was recently out on the town for a friend's birthday when I ran into an old buddy of mine. We got to talking and I found out that he had recently left the church that he, his wife and daughter had been attending for the last few years. This guy had been burned by his church. "I am done, never going to church again," he said to me. My heart was broken. My spirit crushed. Not that he was a solid Christian in the first place, but he was there, he was asking to be reached out to, he was seeking; instead, his patience was tested and churchy lingo was thrown at him. There was not explanation, no body of Christ...just a burn.

It's going to take an act of God to bring him back to give it another shot, please pray for him, please pray for his wife and daughter. My heart cries out for them, I am sad.


Monday, July 25, 2005

Have I found my peace?

Well, it's been nearly 3 months now since my breakup with my fiance. It was the strangest ending to a relationship that I've ever had. There was no yelling, no fighting, no mutual hatred or was just a coming to terms of reality. The fact of the matter was that reality, at least on my part, was ignored for the better part of the last year of the relationship - maybe more.

Despite spending 3.5 years with this girl, the first month apart actually brought me much joy. I feel blessed that God tore me from her, though it hurts more now than it did at first. I cared about her so much that I made my life about her. So much so that I failed her as the leader by putting my focus on pleasing her rather than God. We were young...we were stupid. High school seniors. What the hell did we know about a good Christian relationship? Nothing. The little parts of our relationship that were actually centered on God were probably the only things that kept us from breaking it off sooner...funny that we used something good and correct to fool ourselves so badly. If only human error was a little less human...

Now, every day I make a conscience decision to search for peace and content in being alone. Some days I'm closer, some I'm farther, others I forget about it completely...I think those are my best days.


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Money Orders and eBay

I recently bid on the 1st Season of the TV show 'Scrubs'. First off, if you haven't seen this show, do so...the hilarity will ensue for many hours the first, second, and thousandth time through. Go see the'll tell you all about it. Anyway, back to my anger. So, I bid on this thinking I'd never even win because I had a low bid. Turns up I did win, OK, no problem right. Well, genius I am, I didn't read the description - "Money Order or Cashiers Check Only". What the freak! That is so not cool! There is a reason why eBay set up a partner website called PayPal...because it's everyone's pal when it comes to paying!

OK, I got over it...I go down to the bank and get a stinking money order. What can that cost anyway? $1? $2? NO!! $4!! GREAT!! Now the price of my item has increased two-fold since I bought it...not only do I have to pay shipping, I have to pay $4.37 to get the money order out to this shmuck. PayPal buddy...PayPal! Go away from eBay, go sell on Yahoo! auctions where I will never see you again. Nothing personal, I just can't stand that you're too lazy to take 5 minutes to set up a PayPal account.

Now, I do realize that PayPal charges fees for using their would've been a whopping 40 cents for my transaction...ouch...that hurts you doesn't it buddy? Better yet, it wouldn't hurt you at all if you just pass on the cost to me...a factor of 10 less surcharge would leave me giddy and smiling like a schoolgirl :) Instead you leave me feeling like I've just been tricked to try on my friends g-string from my last post. Thank you not Mr Money Order Man, you have officially ruined my lunch hour...

At least tomorrow is Friday...


Wednesday, July 20, 2005


This morning a woman friend of mine asked me, "Why is a G-string called a G-string?" Well, of course my natural first response was..."WHAT?!?!?" Shortly followed by, "I have no idea - shouldn't you know since you're the one that wears them?"

Turns out this wacky question of the 'unmentionable' nature had been passed to her by a friend who, most likely, was asked by someone else too. This is one of those questions that keeps circulating around until someone is brave enough to actually scowl the internet for the answer. So, what did I do? I did exactly what any young man would do! I made my lady friend search the internet for me! Turns out the internet has it narrowed down to 3 possibilities, none of which seems to inspire me to believe them.

Maybe someday modern etymologists will solve the mystery of the lost linguistic history of this skimpy garment, but for now I think I'll leave it to them to spend their time researching the origin of the term while I revert to childish ness and call it by it's lamemans name, 'Butt floss'...

If etymologists can ever solve the mystery of why it's called 'butt floss' I'll call up Budweiser and see what I can do about getting them a 'We salute you, Mr. Etymologist Man' commercial.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

So American - So Fat

I love Garfield Comic Strips and Homer Simpson. I sat down today at lunch and I had to ask myself - why the heck to I like these cartoon fatties? It's simple - it appeals to my American nature. TV, radio, banners, and billboards alike all advertise, "Get fat because we make more $$$ that way!" I have enough seen a local billboard off Interstate 80 that read something similar to "Atkins, shmatkins." I have also seen a very sexy lobster which neither makes me want to eat lobster, nor anything else at the moment! But I understand the premise - eat up fatty. Still, many these advertisements speak to my inner-American..."eat me man...just one once in a's ok...everyone has tastes so good... "

In a world full of these "sexy lobsters" the American public is still force fed - excuse the cliche - that you have to be lean, fit, and desirable. Oh, I can't go on... I need to eat something...


My First Post

Jaybird, Red-x, digamypigmy...or something like that. Thanks for sucking me into your world. I never though I'd enjoy a "blog", but somehow, I find myself wanting to talk...and you have to listen for this is my blog...
