I pun you...foo foo

FYI - the band is called "Foo Fighters"...it's ok D.C., even if the youth never forget the bungle, the old people will. Mainly because people as old as you can't remember past last friday...
Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...
I was recently out on the town for a friend's birthday when I ran into an old buddy of mine. We got to talking and I found out that he had recently left the church that he, his wife and daughter had been attending for the last few years. This guy had been burned by his church. "I am done, never going to church again," he said to me. My heart was broken. My spirit crushed. Not that he was a solid Christian in the first place, but he was there, he was asking to be reached out to, he was seeking; instead, his patience was tested and churchy lingo was thrown at him. There was not explanation, no body of Christ...just a burn.