You know your a ________ when...

You know your a native Nevadan when...
- You go to a casino for the food not to gamble
- You don't know what summer is like without wildfire smoke caked in your lungs
- It's weird to go in a grocery store that doesn't have slot machines by the door
- You dress up for a night on the town, but wear jeans to church
- You've had to explain to someone that Carson City is the capital, not Las Vegas
- You think it's wierd that you can't buy alcohol after 5 pm in Oregon
- You think a red dude in a loin cloth is "normal"
- It feels strange for you to gamble at a casino
- You know that burning man is less about burning and more about legaly committing just about every sin on the books
OK, that's it for now. You guys got anything to add to this? Or how about another funny word or phrase to fill in the ________?