Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Friday, September 30, 2005

You know your a ________ when...

When I was a kid, I wanted to author a series of books by the title, "You know your a ________ when..." I would then fill in the ________ with things like 'hick', 'college student', 'native Nevadan', and 'coke addict' for each book in the series (OK, I threw in the last one because I wanted to be cool). Turns out Jeff Foxworthy stole my idea, but I shall subject you to some of mine anyhow...

You know your a native Nevadan when...
- You go to a casino for the food not to gamble
- You don't know what summer is like without wildfire smoke caked in your lungs
- It's weird to go in a grocery store that doesn't have slot machines by the door
- You dress up for a night on the town, but wear jeans to church
- You've had to explain to someone that Carson City is the capital, not Las Vegas
- You think it's wierd that you can't buy alcohol after 5 pm in Oregon
- You think a red dude in a loin cloth is "normal"
- It feels strange for you to gamble at a casino
- You know that burning man is less about burning and more about legaly committing just about every sin on the books

OK, that's it for now. You guys got anything to add to this? Or how about another funny word or phrase to fill in the ________?


Sunday, September 25, 2005

Oh man...

Someone tell me please...where is this place? LOL


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Not Another Christian Event

So, I was reading Jeni's "Warm Little Ball" do I feel like that too lately. I usually want to curl up into a ball with my non-existent wife though...

Anyway, the real point:
I am going on a retreat with Cru this weekend (see Cru website link if your curious!) from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. Please pray for God to meet all of the people in the group in an amazing way! We have people in all walks from pre-Christ to our leaders that are very strong Chistians. Please pray for safe travel and a great weekend!


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I still dont know where I am

I dont know why I insist on wrestling with God. Aparently I still dont understand my place yet - I am a prideful retard. Here's the story:

It all starts last fall semester. The idea: finish my ME degree in 4 years...somthing only about 5% of my peers do in this major. I was on track, until my advisor had an error in judgment that he still wont admit to. Anyway, that's another story. The point is I got off track and my new plan, notice the my part of this, was to take 16 credits this semester and next, then take 6 credits and graduate next fall. Then, I signed up for this insane class - Vibrations. It is completely impossible...even the grad student in there is having trouble keeping up. It got so bad last night that I broke down in front of some of the other Cru leaders feeling so overwhelmed, helpless, and mentally exhausted. It wasn't that I couldn't figure it out...I just dont have the time. It was a big enough pride thing to give up graduating in 4 it was another pride thing to drop a course. I dont do that - I finish what I start.

LOL - stupid. Thank God for my good friends. They pray for me and care for me. They helped me realize what is more valuable than my pride - Jesus. Needless to say, I dropped the class with much dismay (I'm going old school beastie boy's on ya here...). I realized that I can committ my time to something much much more valuable - ministry :) Plus now I can live my life very very much happier and I won't fail the class. Who cares when I graduate right? Yeah, I'm still not quite over that one yet...


Thursday, September 15, 2005

How the Week Goes By

It's pretty interesting how true to the general American populus this cartoon is. Admittedly, even I am guilty of this. Why is this though?

Usually I answer my own questions and you all come up with your own equally witty remarks about true moot topics; however, today I am skipping the part where I put my brain to use and as a result force you all to start your own darn conversation...


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Dress to Impress...Me

I wrote this extremely long post and pressed the wrong button and it's gone. I'm too tired to get it was way too witty to attempt to repeat. Oh's the short version:

While walking to my car after classes today I saw about 32.5 bra straps, 5.3 thongs, 7 past-the-cleavage shirts, and 1/2 bare arse that seemed as if the owner had "gone commando".

This annoys me. I am tired of seeing it. How do these girls expect to be respected by any man interested in anything but sex? Wait, they don't. Still, I wish they'd all go away. My thought life would improve! I digress because this can never happen.

Instead, I encourage you females who cloth your bodies with intent to protect my mind to continue on your course. Thank you for protecting my purity - you help more than you know.

P.S. The pic of this chick looks almost exactly like the girl I saw today - cept no black undies...just phatty white butt hanging all up over the lawn's face.


Sunday, September 11, 2005

Ex-me Part Duo

I'm lame...I haven't changed. I would have to use my hands, feet and about 10 other peoples hands and feet, to count how many times I have failed at this since Thursday...lame, lame, lame...


Thursday, September 08, 2005


I grabbed this from postsecret again (see Brint's Truly Random blog for the link). I used to be the male version of this (a.ka. "Just find me a bride" - for all of you who need really clear pictures):

Sad huh. I am pretty sure I am different now, but I haven't had a chance to prove it to myself yet.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

On My Honor

Because I told Tim on his blog that I would:


Monday, September 05, 2005


So, I get back from a weekend long vacation to Quincy, CA and check up with my fellow bloggers on the Hillside Blog Links...and the list never ends! Over the past month the list has doubled and I feel the need to tell you all, most of myself, that we're all trendy losers now.

Why did I go to Quincy you say, two words my fellow posers...Joshua Fest. It's good stuff, you should all go next year.

P.S. By the way, I still haven't gotten my item from that eBay guy - I am still unhappy at him. I think I may send him something smelly in the mail...ah, if that only didn't cost me money. Wait! COD! Haahahahahahahaha...
