Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I still dont know where I am

I dont know why I insist on wrestling with God. Aparently I still dont understand my place yet - I am a prideful retard. Here's the story:

It all starts last fall semester. The idea: finish my ME degree in 4 years...somthing only about 5% of my peers do in this major. I was on track, until my advisor had an error in judgment that he still wont admit to. Anyway, that's another story. The point is I got off track and my new plan, notice the my part of this, was to take 16 credits this semester and next, then take 6 credits and graduate next fall. Then, I signed up for this insane class - Vibrations. It is completely impossible...even the grad student in there is having trouble keeping up. It got so bad last night that I broke down in front of some of the other Cru leaders feeling so overwhelmed, helpless, and mentally exhausted. It wasn't that I couldn't figure it out...I just dont have the time. It was a big enough pride thing to give up graduating in 4 it was another pride thing to drop a course. I dont do that - I finish what I start.

LOL - stupid. Thank God for my good friends. They pray for me and care for me. They helped me realize what is more valuable than my pride - Jesus. Needless to say, I dropped the class with much dismay (I'm going old school beastie boy's on ya here...). I realized that I can committ my time to something much much more valuable - ministry :) Plus now I can live my life very very much happier and I won't fail the class. Who cares when I graduate right? Yeah, I'm still not quite over that one yet...



Blogger georgia said...

You did the right thing, Jamie.

Thu Sep 22, 07:24:00 AM PDT

Blogger scoeyd said...

Take it from me. College can be the best 18 years of your life :)

Thu Sep 22, 08:54:00 AM PDT

Blogger JayBird said...

hang in there, jamie. i'm pullin' for ya, bro. no rush, no competition, no performance pressure, just REST & ENJOYMENT... i'm not preachin' here, i'm sharing from mistakes... love ya.

Thu Sep 22, 09:02:00 AM PDT

Blogger David said...

I've been there and it feels way better to drop something . . . anything, to just get you to where your head is above water. Not to mention the fact that you'll still graduate.

Thu Sep 22, 02:10:00 PM PDT

Blogger Jeni said...

I agree with scoey! 18 years of college? Right on!

Thu Sep 22, 04:18:00 PM PDT

Blogger TimmyMac said...

Hey Jamie, when I read your blog I was reminded that Jacob wrestled with God and was blessed for it. Genesis 32:28 says his name was changed to Israel BECAUSE he had contended (wrestled) with both God and man and had overcome.

I think that's kinda cool and something I've been pondering it in my own life.

It reminds me of a Daddy wrestling with his kids and feeling proud because they go for it. I think your Daddy is proud of you simply because you're willing to wrestle through these sort of things.

Thu Sep 22, 06:27:00 PM PDT


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