How the Week Goes By

Usually I answer my own questions and you all come up with your own equally witty remarks about true moot topics; however, today I am skipping the part where I put my brain to use and as a result force you all to start your own darn conversation...
All work and no play makes Jamie a dull boy?
Fri Sep 16, 08:51:00 AM PDT
Are you having a case of the mondays???
Fri Sep 16, 03:04:00 PM PDT
"i do believe you'd get your $*^# kicked for saying something like that."
classic flick, double d. thanks.
Fri Sep 16, 04:03:00 PM PDT
jamie - that rate your professor page is money! good work. i had to add one just because nobody had put her in yet. great stuff!
Fri Sep 16, 04:07:00 PM PDT
i remember an old Outer Limits where a guy woke up and didn't have a face. i think i had nightmares as a kid over that one. thanks Jamie for bringing that all back to me :-0
Sat Sep 17, 06:27:00 PM PDT
i think we should consider that the man in the picture is only 2-D
Tue Sep 20, 11:35:00 AM PDT
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