The retreat went great! We ended up with 28 people there! The speaker was great and the fellowship was even better. We had a lot of new people and they got integrated very well this weekend - our members are so good at loving other people. Please pray specifically for a girl that is having homesickness issues...pray that we would be able to help Christ meet her and support her in that. Worship also went very well. It seemed like we got a very positive response from all the Chico people and I know all of us on the worship team had a really great time. I personally was really blessed to be a part!
thorn, I'd like you to start getting used to the smell of my sarcasm as you will be inhaling a rather large sum in the following paragraph...
How eloquently you have stated the obvious. You are such a great encouragment to the group. You know, you even inspire me to share more of how I'm feeling more often as your positive comments just simply make me feel better about myself when I am feeling down.
In response to your comments: don't be so oblivious thorn. I should arrange for you and your ego to go to a fruedian slip support group that teaches you how to remember what it's like to be a real human being. It's about not being malicious, it's about being a PERSON. duh
Well, I can tell you that it's not at Reno Live/Metropolis/PBC/Whatever the heck it's called these days... They fully encourage pole dancing...
Sun Sep 25, 10:34:00 PM PDT
frad- how was your trip/event?
Mon Sep 26, 01:22:00 PM PDT
The retreat went great! We ended up with 28 people there! The speaker was great and the fellowship was even better. We had a lot of new people and they got integrated very well this weekend - our members are so good at loving other people. Please pray specifically for a girl that is having homesickness issues...pray that we would be able to help Christ meet her and support her in that. Worship also went very well. It seemed like we got a very positive response from all the Chico people and I know all of us on the worship team had a really great time. I personally was really blessed to be a part!
Mon Sep 26, 11:43:00 PM PDT
glad to hear it, bro.! if ya ever want to improve your drumming skills- just let me know & i'll teach ya some stuff.
Tue Sep 27, 09:31:00 AM PDT
thorn, I'd like you to start getting used to the smell of my sarcasm as you will be inhaling a rather large sum in the following paragraph...
How eloquently you have stated the obvious. You are such a great encouragment to the group. You know, you even inspire me to share more of how I'm feeling more often as your positive comments just simply make me feel better about myself when I am feeling down.
In response to your comments:
don't be so oblivious thorn. I should arrange for you and your ego to go to a fruedian slip support group that teaches you how to remember what it's like to be a real human being. It's about not being malicious, it's about being a PERSON. duh
Tue Sep 27, 03:41:00 PM PDT
Thorn struggles with self confidence, but that is known. I hope he has learned how to clean up a house since germany.
Tue Sep 27, 03:48:00 PM PDT
murdoc, did you just post the exact same comment on several blogs? :)
Tue Sep 27, 06:17:00 PM PDT
I wanted to cover my bases.
Tue Sep 27, 09:50:00 PM PDT
I completely understand. Thanks for addressing it!
Tue Sep 27, 11:39:00 PM PDT
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