Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ishmael and Isaac

It is so crazy how one little sin can make such a big difference in the world. Not just my life, the lives of thousands, millions, billions. If you don't know the ancestry of the terrorist organizations like Hezbollah you should read about it in Gen 17-18:15 and Gen 21:1-20...Ishmael was their father. It never ceases to amaze me that out of Abraham came this great divide that has lasted 4000 years - Abraham even requested that God bless Ishmael and He did. Why would God that? God knew that Ishmael would be the father of a nations that defy reason, worship false idols, and just generally oppose Him, but He did it anyway. Nutty, mysterious, kinda not so smart. But that's why I am not God...and I am sure you are all glad *wink*.

Anyway, the reason I brought this up is because I saw THIS NEWS STORY and it really disturbed me. I cannot believe that they are actually doing this...having a national contest and creating a museum to celebrate their anger over a religious misunderstanding. Stupid...ugghhh! I honestly can say I would not mind if they retaliated in an intelligent way by making up some Jesus cartoons. I dont understand why they would attack the Holocaust...a bona fide, real-life, proven, documented, history of the world. That's just f-ed up. I mean Jesus can take it, seriously...He died being mocked...He is mocked by the Muslims very belief in their Muhammad. I dont mean to be sacrilegious here, but I think you get my point that religious war is different than what they are doing. *steaming....steam...steaming......* Why?


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Coolness from when William Blake was a kid


This is pretty interesting. Up till now they have been able to get super fast computers (like 100's of times faster than our GHz processors) only by doing supercooled just about absolute zero. The fact that this pigment could make it possible to do the same speed at room temperatures brings us just that much closer to me having a super computer - and thats just way darn cool. Who knew expensive green paint could do this? Seriously cool!


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

painting a good picture to make moola


when i read this my first thought was to that of the passion movie. i guess i just dont understand people - why would you make a movie like passion and still be doing crap like this. please take this with a grain of salt...he is living a truely Catholic life.

i just wish for once some famous person would actually have integrety - esp. one who proclaims the kind of things he did when the passion movie came out. i am just terribly upset with this - i thought he made the movie for something besides fame and fortune. obviously not though, the cards dont match up - you cant be serious about the King of the Jews and be anti-semitic retard.


Old Smells/New Names

i was spending some time with one of my best buddies at work - code named, john - during my lunch break day and in between thinking about how ugly and uninviting john is i came upon a semi-happy thought. i was thinking back to what the room smelled like before i dropped the kids off at the pool...vanilla, i thought to myself. but now, after the fact, it smells somewhat different, it's not quite vanilla, yet it's not quite poo. i have named this old smell poonilla. i will be contacting the makers of room sprayey smelly stuff and selling them poonilla - look for it in stores around Christmas time on the never gona happen isle.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

my never beginning trust in God

there are few who know the beginning of this story, but i am going to skip it nonetheless. feel free to ask me at church if you're curious. the point is that i found her, but she lives in kansas city, mo. if you dont know what that means you really havent been paying attention. anyhow, she goes to a seminary there and the thing about finding "that her" that i have been looking for is "that her" needs to be close to me to become "my her" in a most permanent manner - it's quite hard to be attached at the hip from 10ft, let alone, 1000 mi! needless to say i had little hope that it would be quick and painless - in fact, i thought it to be a future quite to the contrary. but my lack of faith in God's goodness never fails me and i was incorrect once again. she has decided that the school wasnt for her and she will be moving back to the area. i havent decided that she is my once and lifetime "her", but she is the best prospect i have ever had. it's such a strange thing because we have been such close friends for 10 years and it just now clicked in our heads. for those of you who are fountainheader's...God is good...all the time...all the time...God is good. i am flying out 8/31 to help her move back...please pray for the financials and safe travels when you think of it.
