Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


i have these guys in the company that i am trying to start that just dont respond to e-mails. how can you do that in this world. seriously, get with the times...snail mail is done with...catch up to the rest of your generation and start acting like the days of taking days to get a response is over. being on blogger, i know you all might have a slight bias since you are on the upper scale of the computer apt users; however, what do you all think about it taking 3 or 4 days to respond to a simple e-mail (i.e. "please e-mail me back to confirm that you will be @...blah,blah,blah...")?


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Old World is Full of Wussies

See Story Here

Seriously, 98°F? Go to Vegas people...or try LA or anything in Marlyand out. Holy crap, what a bunch of wussies!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Note: Idea stolen from Jeni's blog which was stolen from Shontell's...

I AM: a pretty cool dude
I WANT: to be closer to God in the small and mundane
I WILL: get rid of my beer gut miraculously w/out stopping the beer intake
I HAVE: too much crap that i dont want to get rid of
I WISH: i understood the signals
I HATE: how disorganized this thing is on Jeni's and Shontell's blog
I MISS: the innocence and joy of being five
I HEAR: dead seriously...ummm....only loud noises
I WONDER: if things will turn out anything like i dream
I AM NOT: in control
I ALWAYS: fall on my face just after thinking i am doing good
I LAUGH: at stupid things cause the simple things make me happy
I CRY: not at all since last may...before...a much different story
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: anything they cans
I WRITE: nothing and never except here
I REGRET: some of my actions that have hurt others
I NEED: less in the real, more in the invisible
I SHOULD: have more guts
I MUST: seem like a weirdo/nerd to normal people
I DON'T: want to leave yet


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Insulting the French

So I took this geography field class to fill my diversity credits so I could graduate in December and it just happened to be this last weekend all day Saturday and Sunday...thus I missed out on both the world cup and a real weekend as well. But I digress, the real point is that I got a text message informing me of Italy's win over France and my first comment was that it was too bad such a team of poor sport cheap players won. I then moved on to comment on one of my least favorite European countries, France. I basically said that it's not like I really wanted the French to win either, but I would have rather had those wussy jerks win over Italy. I elaborated that at least Italy as a country was nice and that I was even amazed at myself that I would want a lame country such as France to win the cup. About this time this girl chimes in, "I'm French." I tried to save it, but it was a brick wall...I dug my hole and I honestly would've rather just doubled over and laughed, but my sense of decentcy took over and killed that little pipe dream. Still funny though...

My final thought: You gotta be freaking kidding me, what the heck! What are the chances, besides slim to none, that someone that likes the French, let alone a person who holds dual citizenship is standing right behind me as I make a totaly donkey kong out of myself? I'm not talking any more. I give it up. Geez, thanks again for humility God...teach me in a way that doesnt suck next time would ya...oy! I hope you all get a laugh at my expense!


Sunday, July 02, 2006


I have been experiencing some extreme encouragement lately. In a time that I didnt even know that I needed it. But now I look back at the last week and how I have been spiritually attacked and I realize why the encouragement has been there. God is so good. I love that Third Day song...You are so good to me, You heal my broken heart, You are my Father in heaven.

I can think of two specific instances that were especially encouraging and I just wanted to say thank you to those three people by posting how it encouraged me. If you want to mention your identity in the comments section, go for it.

1.) I talked to my dad last week and in spending time together he mentioned that _____ had said about me that I am doing well and I really have everything together. My instant response to my dad was to say, "Yeah, if _____ only knew what was really going on." But later on it made me think about victory in my Christian walk and how much I yearn to have victory over my struggles. Having _____ say this about me made me think about my Christ identity and urged me on to think about myself as permanently saved by grace...IN EVERY AREA OF MY LIFE. I'd been living in victory in certain things, in shame in others, but being saved by grace revealed to me that I already had the victory and I just needed to live like it. Imagine for yourself the ensuing chain reactions...

2.) I may be silly that such a simple thing as encouraging me that I will find a good wife where I am least expecting it would matter, but it does. I am surrounded by a culture that tells me to sleep with whoever, whenever. As long as it feels good do it. Sometimes I wish I could live that way just so I could find some "love", but then in my heart and spirit I know that God has called me to something much different. Despite negative encouragement to just "be young and have fun" because I am "too young to be tied down", I cant help but feel the higher call to gaurd myself and wait for my wife. It hurts me not only that this Christian friend of mine is encouraging me to mess with others and my own emotions, but also that he himself is engaged in the too young to be tied down mentality even though he is physically older than I. I guess that's a seperate issue anyway... Anyway, thank you ____ for spurring me on and rooting for me...and especially for letting me know that you are.

I am so thankful for my extended family here @ Hillside! You guys are all so loving and encrouraging. I love being a part. I am so thankful for all my friendships and relationships. Yeah, I'm a softy...shut-up...


That's right

Not only is this my favorite post from postsecret this week...

...but also it reminds me of Ben Locke and that makes me laugh.
