Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Friday, March 24, 2006

Dou a Dou

I promised two posts to Jeni, but I dont have enough content for a whole post, I'll just list some things that happened this week:

-Had lunch with my bible study leader
-Paid way to much and waited way too long for my car to get fixed
-Wasted as much time as possible relaxing and having fun
-Went snowboarding @ Mt.Rose
-Ate my yummy home grilled burgers with a friend
-Spent time with my parents
-Cleaned the garage...cause I was bored and stir crazy
-Walked to Wal-Mart...cause I was bored, stir crazy, and I like to be outside when it's snowing
-Put up Christmas lights in my room cause I found them when I cleaned the garage
-Drove my super cool fixed car as fast as possible to test the new clutch out
-Halo 2
-Pilot Wings 64
-Watched Derailed, Walk the Line, A History of Violence, and Good Night & Good Luck
-Bought Walk the Line because it's rad and it needs to be in my DVD collection

That's about it...I guess I slept and ate too, but it should be pretty obvious to even the most casual observer that I love sleep and food enough that I would never skip those sort of things. I hope y'all enjoyed your week too! I'm off to San Fran for the weekend so I wont see you at church until April - I'll miss you guys.



Blogger Jeni said...

Have fun in San Fran!

Fri Mar 24, 11:58:00 AM PST


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