Haha...but hmmmm

Funny, funny crap. But how can they put that on daytime TV? I appreciate the humor, but I think it's a little overboard for the kindergarteners. Is the Jack in the Box corporation just banking on the mass public being completely ignorant to the real point of the commercial? They should've just been outright about it and said, "Hey, if you get the munchies after you get high, come to Jack in the Box cause we'll won't tell anyone you're driving under the influence of the shredded cannabis you lit and shoved up your nose a half an hour ago." Smoke up kids...mommy 'll take you to get some tacos...
I wonder what Jesus thinks of your love of your advice skills? It appears Mz Manners has no manners and does not know how to even listen to others, let alone give any worthwile advice.
Next time ACTUALLY read what the WORDS say before commenting on MY blog Mz Manners. Please have some manners...
Wed Jan 18, 10:47:00 AM PST
Is Mz Manners a blog troll? Or do you know her personally?
Anyway....back to your blog. It's a perfect example of personal and corporate responsibility bowing to the lure of making money. Unfortunately, in today's entertainment industry, it's anything but unusual.
Wed Jan 18, 02:09:00 PM PST
what, kids smoking pot isn't funny to you guys? next i suppose you'll tell me that mz manners blog isn't incredibly funny, insightful, and useful.
Wed Jan 18, 08:14:00 PM PST
hee , hee heee heee!!! who is mz manners??
Wed Jan 18, 11:26:00 PM PST
hey, i saw this commercial tonight,(while watching the simpsons i might add,hmmm...)anyway, i have to say it is one of the more lame jintb commercials. usually, i find jintb commercials very funny but this one not so much!!
Thu Jan 19, 08:53:00 PM PST
I like the one for the gift cards where the girl doesn't realized that he IS Jack...
Thu Jan 19, 10:16:00 PM PST
Mz. Manners - you seem to be either purposely annoying or just oblivious to the world around you. I DO NOT appreciate you presence on my blog...please aquire some manners or go away. I DO NOT TOLERATE TROLLS LIKE YOU!
Just to clarify for you - marijuana is a plant used in various ways to attain a feeling of happyness and floating commonly refered to as "high"...it is not a common childs name. A reefer (not a refer) is a derogatory term for a person who inhales marijuana through their MOUTH by means of a joint which is simular to a cigarette, which I assume you don't know is filled with the leaves of the tobacco plant. I am unsure of your level of education or any level of relation to the world we live in, but a joint is NEVER put in the nose...it is put in the mouth like a cigarette, which - like I said earlier - is filled with tobacco. And as a last little note I would like to remind you that tobacco, like marijauna, is a plant and not a childs name. Thanks for your time, buhbye.
Sat Jan 21, 09:14:00 PM PST
yes, tivo is the answer. i need that for more reasons than one. tivo!!!
Sat Jan 21, 09:52:00 PM PST
I like the Carl's Jr commercial with the guy shaking the cow...good stuff...but you did write, and I quote, "and shoved up your nose a half an hour ago." I wondered about that myself...not to agree with the troll or anything.
Sat Jan 21, 11:12:00 PM PST
congrats, frady. your blog has officially become a haven for authors of some of the most retarded comments it has been my pleasure to laugh at. got to go, i'm pretty sure my reefers have been hiding poop. i need to check for the presence of all fingers and joints in their noses.
Sun Jan 22, 05:38:00 PM PST
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