When Shontell was pregnent with her lasted spawn I made a comment that I have regretted since the synapsis in my brain fired the impulses to finish the words in my foolish sentence. Betcha wanna know what I said huh? Well...I can't remember the words, but I give you the jest of it..."Wow, you're huge!" Hmmm...now you must understand the context of my comment actually pertained to the size of her round belly compared to the slenderness of the rest of her. Her belly looked huge because she was, and is, so skinny. I think she may have taken it offensively though - like a told her she was the fattest person in the world when she really was feeling like she was. Yeah, I've felt dumb for a long time on that one. So, sorry Shontell. I really did mean to complement you, sorry it came out so wrong...
When I was pregnant with Adrian a friend told me that I was the biggest pregnant woman he had ever seen, so you are not alone in making foot-in-mouth comments. :)
Sun Nov 13, 06:28:00 PM PST
well, i've gone a step farther.... i've actually asked a couple of ladies when they were expecting & they weren't pregnant. that is worse than foot in mouth. that's more like foot in butt.
Mon Nov 14, 12:34:00 PM PST
You learn not to ask that question until it's totally obvious and there's no chance of error.
Mon Nov 14, 03:37:00 PM PST
better yet, my dad asked a woman who worked in his office if it wasn't about her due date. problem was, she had already delviered and he somehow missed the news. it's one thing to be fat while you're pregnant . . .
Mon Nov 14, 06:16:00 PM PST
Thanks for the email today. However, none of those could match the following:
What do you tell a woman with 2 black eyes?
Nothing you haven't told her twice already.
Tue Nov 15, 04:44:00 PM PST
though sarcastically witty- you may be crossing the line on this one. be careful, dude.
Wed Nov 16, 12:19:00 PM PST
ask mo to tell his story of the joke with the girl with one arm who used to go to our old youth grp. ummm... i think this will help ease the pain of your comment to shontell.
Wed Nov 16, 09:54:00 PM PST
ROFL!! niiiiice noel.
jamerson..i don't remember this at all and seriously, you were probably tenth in the a line of forty people to say that to me. as long as you never say it while i am not pregnant all is well. and thanks for the compliment ;)
you really are a giver. lol
Thu Dec 22, 07:48:00 AM PST
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