A Deleted Reference
So, a while back I posted some of my happy thoughts about going back to school. One of those I mentioned was seeing a girl (lets call her Nay) that I liked and getting to lead and serve with her in Cru. I deleted that one because I was afraid she would read it, but now that I am fairly confident she will never visit this website I would like to bring it up again...
I think girls can give me the most insight, but I'm sure some of the married dudes will have some good comments too! Last week we (Nay and I) were both invited via e-mail to a BBQ after the UNR football game this weekend. When I asked Nay if she was going I also asked if she wanted to be my date. She smiled and replied, "Yeah!" Now if you know Nay, which none of you do, she is just about the sweetest, nicest, and most postive in the world - I think she would've said "yes" even if she really wanted to say "no". I wonder if she said yes because she wanted to?!? I wonder if she has any idea how I feel about her?!?! I hope so... Someday soon I will put myself out on a limb and tell her, but first I need to think and pray more.
i think she said, "yes", because you're a FOX!
Wed Oct 05, 12:20:00 PM PDT
If she didn't smile and said yes, I'd be more concerned. But it sounds like her immediate body language indicated that the yes was sincere and that she's pleased that you asked her.
At least, putting myself in her shoes and going back many years...if a guy asked me out and I didn't really want to go, I don't think I could manage to smile while saying accepting his invitation.
Wed Oct 05, 02:03:00 PM PDT
THis isnt gunna take time away from the band is it?
Wed Oct 05, 02:56:00 PM PDT
Wed Oct 05, 03:34:00 PM PDT
I'm in a similar situation...let me know how it works out...I need to talk to you too, I think I'll call you later today in fact
Wed Oct 05, 04:22:00 PM PDT
One thing I can tell you: women are more perceptive than men about when someone likes them. Now, I can't say this is true 100% of the time, but most females, if they want nothing more than friendship, will emphasize that they're only going as friends when they agree to the date... That's my experience/input, anyway...
Wed Oct 05, 04:58:00 PM PDT
Dude, women love confidence. She said "yeah" not "yeah, right." Don't be so insecure. Act like you know what you're doing even if you don't. Fake it 'till you make it, baby!
Wed Oct 05, 08:23:00 PM PDT
i agree with thorn on this one.
there's something you've never seen before!
Thu Oct 06, 03:56:00 PM PDT
From a female perspective, I have to disagree with you guys. I don't think Jamie is whimpering. I think he's being honest. I appreciate Jamie being real and not trying to mask what he's feeling or thinking with inauthentic behavior.
Thu Oct 06, 05:09:00 PM PDT
Georgia, I understand what you're saying, but I don't fully agree. Is it inauthentic behavior for Jamie to avoid picking his nose in front of this girl until he gets to know her better? I'm not suggesting he be a phony, just careful. Guys are pigs. If we let you gals know everything about us from the beginning, you'd freak out. Once we trick you into marrying us, its too late . (insert evil laugh here) :-)
Thu Oct 06, 06:18:00 PM PDT
hmmmm....i'll let ya know jamie after tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thu Oct 06, 10:26:00 PM PDT
I think that at a certain age (the age you're at right now), girls don't make conversation with guys for any other reason than to flirt.
And if she's not interested, all the better because you can stop wasting time with her. I know it probably surpises you that I'm be this blunt, but do you really have time for a firl that's a friend, but not a girlfriend?
Thu Oct 06, 11:25:00 PM PDT
thank you David, a blunt comment that actually does me some good
Thu Oct 06, 11:32:00 PM PDT
My uncle once told me that when you think you have found someone, let one go in front of her. If she leaves, let her go. If she stays she's the one. If she responds by letting one go herself...no comment. It worked for me Frady. Of course I did get my hand rolled up in a car window for the same thing.
Fri Oct 07, 08:37:00 AM PDT
i must insert a balance in all of this. guys need girl friends & guys need girls that are friends. no need to be one extreme or the other. some might say that a good relationship starts w/ a friend, without any expectations, & goes from there. we can't stop being "vulnerable" because we've been hurt or shut-down before. allow yourself to be vulnerable in wise ways.
Fri Oct 07, 11:14:00 AM PDT
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