Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Mish mosh mash mush....thank you, very much

I'm having one of those weeks where complete thoughts are very much lacking. I kinda feel like my brain is numb from sensory overload, but I've done so little it must from sensory underload. I've sat down a few times and tried to post something, but what comes out? Bleeeeaaaahh... So, instead of making this week about one post - it will be many posts sandwiched, mixed, and strewn about in very orderly fashion that makes sense only on a train of thought sort of level.

I miss going to Sunday night Bible studies at scoey and soceyet's pad. I think the last time I went was back in March sometime. It's not like I am avioding the place, the people, or the activities - I just can't seem to get that night off. It bums me out...

I went to the Hacienda last night. It was fun (nice complex descriptor huh?). I went with one of my friends to get the $1 taco's and $2 margirita's - love cheap food and drink :) After we finished our meal we hung out with the KRZQ people for a while and ened up walking away with some free CD's - I like free stuff, it makes me happy...

More and more lately I have been feeling like I may never use my degree. I have been pretty seriously considering going on staff with Crusade. The biggest hitch for me is that my heart is for Reno in such a big way I don't think I could really put my all into it if they put me somewhere else. The UNR campus is so lost, I would really love to be able to be a full timer in the campus ministry here...

Thanks for reading my babble.
Peace out - Jamison



Blogger SeƱor H said...

Way to encourage people to stay in school. I feel the same way frady, but your almost done. Somebody asked me yesterday if I had such a good job, why am I still in school. I don't think people look at degrees as a specialized thing anymore, it is more of a piece of paper stating that you made it, and how far. Just get the stinking paper.

Fri Oct 14, 01:59:00 PM PDT

Blogger No(dot dot)el said...

i have known since you were a teen with red and green hair that God had some very big plans for you. keep listening to da man you are hearing good things. campus ministry is on the forefront of the mission field these days, and if that's what He's calling you to the passion for it won't go away.

Sat Oct 15, 09:40:00 AM PDT

Blogger digapigmy said...

if it makes you feel any better, i will use almost nothing i learned in the classes i had to take for my degree.

Tue Oct 18, 09:09:00 AM PDT


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