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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Two in one day - WICA WHA?!?!?!

I know, I know, it's sad, but I am getting old. I just cant stop saying, "When I was a kid_____!" If you ask me this is something only old people should say, I guess I'm old.

Sayings: When I was a kid...
1. gas was 75ยข!
2. Lego's where worth what you paid for!
3. I wanted to grow up, but now I know better!
4. girls had cooties and it was a good thing!
5. the PC was a green screen piece of crap with a BLARING 25MB RAM!
6. video games that were 1-D and 10 bit were the best on the market!
7. a DVD was an acronymn for Dont Videotape Dad, subtitle you never know what he'll do!
8. skiing with dad was $50 for both of us!
9. movies didn't come with a video game!
10. it was cheaper to see a movie in the theatre than to buy it when it came out on video!

You guys got any?



Blogger georgia said...

When I was a kid....
1. Gas was 18 cents per gallon
2. A ticket to the movie was 25 cents and there were no ratings because everything was basically okay to let your kids see
3. If you said c**p you'd get spanked
4. Gay meant happy
5. Sex before marriage was socially frowned upon
6. If you got pregnant when you were unmarried, you went away for 9 months
10. None of your friends' parents were divorced

Fri Dec 23, 10:05:00 AM PST

Blogger digapigmy said...

when i was a kid, a blog was just a . . .
can't do it, man.

Fri Dec 23, 01:36:00 PM PST

Blogger Jeni said...

When I was a kid...
1. I hated the saying "when I was a kid..."
2. Movies could be rented in VHS or BETA.
3. Public schools had dress codes.
4. Floppy disks were really floppy.

Sat Dec 24, 01:11:00 AM PST

Blogger Dennis Clifton said...

when I was a kid I never blogged on Christmas fact there was no such thing as a home computer (unless you lived in a warehouse the size of Wal-Mart)...

...which reminds me of a happy thought...when I was a kid, there were NO Wal-Marts :)

Sun Dec 25, 01:03:00 PM PST

Blogger TimmyMac said...

When I was a kid we didn't have remote control. We had to walk to the television . . . uphill both ways.

Sat Dec 31, 07:37:00 AM PST


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