Bodily Functions and Habits

My body is allergic to itself. Every time I take a duce my nose goes in hypoallergenic mode and acts more like
Since I am on the subject of my quirkiness in the lavatory I thought I'd share another story about my neurotic tendencies. While preparing to whiz standing up I roll my right ankle so my foot is at a 30° angle to the floor and leave it there – if I don’t notice – until I’m done with my business. It’s like clockwork…I do it every time. I’m like a pointing
Now I'm gonna start worrying if I see you in the drum cage and your nose is running :(
Sat Nov 26, 04:35:00 PM PST
blessings to all, i did not have any accidents in "the cage". today...
Sun Nov 27, 03:05:00 PM PST
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Mon Nov 28, 09:05:00 AM PST
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