Bathroom Courtesy - My Lack Thereof?
At college group tonight I entered the downstairs bathroom - in further context described as "the facility" - just as I do any other Sunday night at Louie's, then I think to myself...
:::self, nobody's gonna hear you; just do it:::
Now this "do it" is not referring to the strange things people do in the dorm bathrooms, nor does it refer to Nike. My inner monologue rejoices at it's own witt...
:::swooosh - haha - that's classic:::
No, the "do it" I refer to is the "do it standing up". If your still lost, my other personality is kicking in to fill you in...I sit to pee while at Louie's cause I don't want the others to hear me peeing...I should also qualify "the others" as the feminine type just to uphold my masculinity - as little is there is left after announcing that sometimes I sit to pee. Men hear themselves pee all the time, it's no big one to overhear another dude relieving the pressure...wives, I'm sure you're used to it also ;)
Anyway, as I was enjoying my carelessness I thought to myself again...
:::Is it rude for me to force "the others" to listen to me as I use "the facility"? Yeah, maybe - but I don't care at the moment. Heh...heh.:::
My next decision tonight was inexplicably foolish, but it is the reason for which I had a topic for my blog this week. (HINT: the decision was to post my inner monologue previously mentioned above.)
How do all you other dudes tackle such crucial issues? What's the view of "the others"?
Hey, are you calling me an "other"? Like I'm another species, or something? He he he... Just kidding. But really, peeing sitting down can sometimes make just as much noise as standing up, so I'd say do what works...
Mon Jan 30, 03:25:00 PM PST
Wow. Are you unable to aim your dong while you wizz, so as not to make the noises that you're worried about? I can't give you a hands-on lesson, but I'm sure I could talk you through it.
Mon Jan 30, 05:56:00 PM PST
My foolishness paid off for the sake of David's sarcasm...LOL.
Yeah I know how to aim, theres just somethin' about the toilet in Louie's know...the fact that it's like a foot of the ground and made for a 5 year old...maybe that's it? You antagonist you...
Mon Jan 30, 10:49:00 PM PST
Sarcasm . . . not "critical spirit." Thanks for understanding the difference.
You could always just go in their sink.
Mon Jan 30, 11:31:00 PM PST
dude. I feel your pain. It's my toilet.
However, in case you haven't made the rounds of the books in the preschool library, you may not know that everybody has to go potty. Everyone. No one is exempt.
Therefore, turn on the water in the sink full blast (which is a great "white noise machine" & also a strong impetus to take care of business.) Lift the lid & the seat. Ready. Aim. Fire. Give no place to thoughts of the others...
Flush. Hold the handle down for an inordinately long time (Sue, can you fix this in your fix-it class?) Put the seat & lid down.
Oh, & remind me to tell you about a Super Bowl bathroom issue we navigated about 4 years ago...
Tue Jan 31, 08:05:00 AM PST
i live with a ridiculous number of "others" and i will let you in on a little secret:
you only think it's quieter when you sit down. you might want to turn on the water if you're feeling a little gassy as well, however.
Tue Jan 31, 06:07:00 PM PST
i always thought that peeing really loud was cool. it kinda freaks people out a bit & causes moments of discomfort. sometimes people will even ask, "is there a race horse in the bathroom"?
Wed Feb 01, 03:58:00 PM PST
guess what? "others" make noise when they pee too.
Wed Feb 01, 05:24:00 PM PST
i'm with jay on this one
Sat Feb 11, 11:56:00 AM PST
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