Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Did anyone watch the mens 1000m speed skating? That loser Shani Davis won. I cant believe that guy. The lady was interviewing him as "the first African American to win a gold medal in the winter Olympics", but the dude was happy at all. He just looked pissed off. The lady even asked him, "are you angry?" He said no, but I call him a liar - dude looked ticked!

Why did we let this dude represent America? Apparently he went to Canada to train because he didnt "like the US Olympic Committee", why not let Canada take him then. Sure he won the gold, but he was not only a poor sport, he was a complete jerk.

What ever happened to being ecstatic that you won the gold medal? Someone please deck Shani Davis when they see him on the street. The dude should move to France, he'll fit in just fine with all the other stuck up weeklings. Better yet, send him to Iraq - maybe seeing how those people live will make him realize what kind of amazing opportunities he has and how much he needs to show gratitude and respect to people. Seriously, you're a public figure, be a good example. Man, what a poor sport loser.



Blogger Jeni said...

Ha! On the subject of Olympics/Americans... I think I may be a bad person... I was happy that the Swedish hockey team beat the American hockey team today... Uh oh--I think I hear the black helicopters coming for me...

Sun Feb 19, 05:53:00 PM PST

Blogger digapigmy said...

tsk, tsk, jeni. do you have a reason for being happy when our country loses? you ought to explain, as you might have a good one (i was happy when the men's basketball team lost 2 years back because they were a bunch of selfish thugs)

Mon Feb 20, 03:59:00 PM PST

Blogger Jeni said...

Um... I wouldn't want our country to lose to anyone but Sweden... But being that I'm half Swedish, and Sweden doesn't really win anything, it's nice to see them win... :)

Mon Feb 20, 04:40:00 PM PST

Blogger TimmyMac said...

Jeni, isn't Sweden famous for something besides women's hockey?

Alps? No, that's Swiss . . .
Watches? No, that's Swiss . . .
Knives? No, that's Swiss . . .
Chocolate? No, that's Swiss . . .
Banks? No, that's Swiss . . .
Neutrality? No, that's Swiss . . .

hmmm . . . there's got to be something . . .

I've got it! Meatballs!! :-)

(don't hit me, I'm old and my bones are brittle)

Mon Feb 20, 05:53:00 PM PST

Blogger Jeni said...

Hey plucky! Does "Abba" mean anything to you? Come on! :) And maybe your bones wouldn't be so brittle if you were running with us!

Mon Feb 20, 09:08:00 PM PST

Blogger Dennis Clifton said...

...its weird but i'm just not interested in watching the olympics this year...does anybody have an explanation?...evidently i'm not alone, this is the lowest ratings in years and NBC is losing jillions in revenues...i think it just might have to do with the fact that many people aren't getting their news (and ads) from the major media (promoters) anymore...

Tue Feb 21, 09:18:00 AM PST

Blogger David said...

I think that is because the Olympics suck. Curling? The Luge? I would rather attend my own hanging. Plus the U.S. isn't mad at Germany or Russia, so all we can do is pull for our own team since there are no Middle Eastern teams that can compete with us. If you ask me, it's because they're all so homely.

Tue Feb 21, 11:40:00 AM PST

Blogger Jeni said...

Part of it may have to do with the meshing of professional and olympic athletes. Why do we need to watch the Olympics just to see the same athletes that we always see?

Tue Feb 21, 01:26:00 PM PST

Blogger digapigmy said...

the professional athletes don't really come into play in the winter olympics nearly as much as in the summer olympics. it's pretty much just hockey - and no one watches professional hockey either (besides me and earl). i think it really has to do with the fact that we don't really hate any countries that can compete in anything other than maybe France. the second best reason to watch a competition is to see someone you like win. the best is to watch someone you hate lose. the combination of the two is pure ecstasy.

Tue Feb 21, 06:29:00 PM PST


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