First I'd like to mention that I do not know any other numbers in the french langauge besides "2"...hence the spanish-french combination I call sprenchish. As promised, my first post of my week off is here.
If you were @ college group you would've seen me "go off" on an issue. Tha background - a group of people with Father's Heart Ministries has been "preaching" on the UNR campus a few times lately. Their "preaching" consists of condemning the crowd at large and then name-calling anyone who opposes their completely un-Biblical approach. Cool dudes...hmmmm. Anyway...this is like the longest story ever and there is so much background and other crap going on that I couldn't even begin to want to write it a result I am skipping to the point. The conversation below starts after I have been talking to them a few minutes already...this previous conversation contains about the same kind of material as the stuff below so the conversation as a whole has been abridged for sake of saving time. I was alongside Harvey for Living Stones and Dave Burrows that leads the Cru mens B-study. When I say 'Me' below most of it is my conversation but some of it is important parts that Harvey, Dave, and I all said. Also, another campus leader showed up later in the conversation and for the sake of his privacy his name is DXA. The drum roll....
And I quote:Me - You are no speaking the truth - you are speaking condemnation! ///I reference John 3:16-17///
"preacher" 1 - WOW, you're a rude young man.
Me - ///I nod my head as I am innately surprised that he knows me so well with a grand total of 6 minutes, 28 seconds total time spent together///
"preacher" 2 - No we're not - did you listen to me speak?
Me - Yes, and that's why I talking to you now. Why I am saying what I am.
"preacher" 1 -You are a pharisee
Me - OK (((surprised and, yet still, purposely rude in tone)))
"preachers" - ///inane babble...i am doing Gods work...blah blah...lies///
DXA - ///shows up with another guy about my age///
Me - ///do they even believe themselves? i want to punch him...him too///
"preachers" - ///inane babble...psycho babble///
Me - ///hmmm...psycho babble...these guys are possessed by the principalities of evil///
Me - So, back to why I am a pharisee...why is that?
"preacher" 1 - Because you're standing against us.
Me - ///Ah-ha! The idiot is showing through the shiny veneer/// No, I am standing against how you are "preaching the gospel". This is not what Christ would want.
"preacher" 1 - Well,'re a pharisee because you are against what we are doing.
Me - Listen to yourself! You do not have any humility.
"preachers" - Yes we do. That is why we are here. We are being persecuted for preaching the gospel and that is not humility?
Me - You're being "persecuted" because you are condemning people.
"preachers" - No we're not - did you listen to me speak?
Me - Yes, that is why I am telling you that you are condemning people.
Harvey - Didn't you hear that guy up there when you were speaking? He said that it is religious zelots like you that turn people away from Christ. What do you think about that?
"preachers" - ///inane babble...circles of argument that lead nowhere///
DXA - ///looking at Harvey, Dave, and I/// I dont think you guys are being fair. That's why I am standing in the middle...cause I'm not taking any sides. I mean people have been saved...just because I wouldnt do it this way doesnt mean their wrong.
Me - ///Harvey, Dave, and I just look at each other with amazement///
"preachers" - ///inane babble...yet more moot points of the circular nature///
At that point I had better things to do than argue with someone who had closed ears, heart, and mind. For some reason I shook their hands before I left...thinking back I wish I had pulled my hand away and stroked my hair as they went to shake my hand.
This was the second time they had been on campus...both times were 3 days each. My guess is that we will be seeing a lot of them...probably once a month. Another point of discussion is that Harvey talked to them the first time they were @ UNR and he was called the Anti-Christ. Rebecca Higgs, some of you may have met here @ Hillside, was called a whore for no reason as she was walking to class trying to ignore these people - she's a virgin. Countless Greeks have complained that it was pointed out to them that they were going to hell because they are in a fraternity or sorority. One of the "preachers" who was speaking on Christ's judgment was asked why he, being the "preacher", was allowed to judge people...he responded that he is righteous so he is allowed to judge as Christ is.
Anyway, there is too much stuff to list. The point is that a lot of messed up stuff is going on with these "preachers of God's word and gospel". Please join me in praying that God will continue to do good despite the evil that these men are doing and that God would make it clear what His will is for the Christian campus groups in tackling this continuing issue.