Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Clueless I am

I had a great weekend - I wish it was not at its end. I guess it has so much to do with what my weekend was about. It started out with feeling really encouraged and rejuvenated by God, then worship practice, Sunday worship, good times with friends, speaking truth and bringing clarity to a close weekend was all about getting closer to God and using the gifts that He has given me. It was super! Just thought I'd brag :)


Saturday, February 25, 2006

David - Can I be like you?

The past two weeks the mens Bible study @ Cru has been talking about David. We started with his anointing last week and this week we talked about his battle vs. Goliath. It's really interesting to go back over this story with a real analytical outlook to see what was really going on. I just find it simply amazing how well David knew God. King Saul was asked to settle the battle with the philistines mano a mano style - one Israelite vs. Goliath. And for some reason, most likely the lion and the bear, Saul allows David to go up against this giant. To imagine the scale, imagine Moses Scofield taking on Joey Locke - now tell me, who would you bet on? I digress... David goes on to get suited up, but ends up refusing it because his body cannot support King Saul's armor. Now at this point if I were Saul I'd be worrying that I would be a Philistine slave pretty soon here, but still, God had his will done and David went on to fight the giant. Never backing down, David knocks the giant, armored Goliath on his face with A STONE!!! Something I didnt think about before - Goliath fell on his face. The significance of this is amazing - think about it this way...the Israelites fell on their face before God's holiness...Goliath did too, just not by his doing. God struck the giant his face. How's that for a cool message?


Sunday, February 19, 2006


Did anyone watch the mens 1000m speed skating? That loser Shani Davis won. I cant believe that guy. The lady was interviewing him as "the first African American to win a gold medal in the winter Olympics", but the dude was happy at all. He just looked pissed off. The lady even asked him, "are you angry?" He said no, but I call him a liar - dude looked ticked!

Why did we let this dude represent America? Apparently he went to Canada to train because he didnt "like the US Olympic Committee", why not let Canada take him then. Sure he won the gold, but he was not only a poor sport, he was a complete jerk.

What ever happened to being ecstatic that you won the gold medal? Someone please deck Shani Davis when they see him on the street. The dude should move to France, he'll fit in just fine with all the other stuck up weeklings. Better yet, send him to Iraq - maybe seeing how those people live will make him realize what kind of amazing opportunities he has and how much he needs to show gratitude and respect to people. Seriously, you're a public figure, be a good example. Man, what a poor sport loser.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I saw this link on Noel's blog and thought I'd pass it along to mine...yoinker I am...


I got 2 gays one in a row...sucky...

-Give that man a Jamison.
-Dude, you're getting a Jamison.

Ones I liked...

-Jamison is good for you.
-Wouldn't you rather be a Jamison?

