Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Bathroom Courtesy - My Lack Thereof?

At college group tonight I entered the downstairs bathroom - in further context described as "the facility" - just as I do any other Sunday night at Louie's, then I think to myself...

:::self, nobody's gonna hear you; just do it:::

Now this "do it" is not referring to the strange things people do in the dorm bathrooms, nor does it refer to Nike. My inner monologue rejoices at it's own witt...

:::swooosh - haha - that's classic:::

No, the "do it" I refer to is the "do it standing up". If your still lost, my other personality is kicking in to fill you in...I sit to pee while at Louie's cause I don't want the others to hear me peeing...I should also qualify "the others" as the feminine type just to uphold my masculinity - as little is there is left after announcing that sometimes I sit to pee. Men hear themselves pee all the time, it's no big one to overhear another dude relieving the pressure...wives, I'm sure you're used to it also ;)

Anyway, as I was enjoying my carelessness I thought to myself again...

:::Is it rude for me to force "the others" to listen to me as I use "the facility"? Yeah, maybe - but I don't care at the moment. Heh...heh.:::

My next decision tonight was inexplicably foolish, but it is the reason for which I had a topic for my blog this week. (HINT: the decision was to post my inner monologue previously mentioned above.)

How do all you other dudes tackle such crucial issues? What's the view of "the others"?


Monday, January 23, 2006

First Day

School sucks. I try to have a positive outlook, but it still just feels like I am stuck in some pseudo hell. I am going to work my butt off this semester - a prospect that doesn't excite me greatly. It's a strange feeling to be back after doing nothing for a month...I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse on my attitude towards school. My last resort is to look forward to the end in sight and remember that I only have a little while left to go. Good luck to the rest of you students...hopefully you aren't as pessimistic as I...


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Haha...but hmmmm

Have you seen the latest Jack in the Box commercial on TV? This kid pulls up to the order box and doesn't know what he wants. He proceeds to talk to his Jack bobble head to figure out what he wants. He very obviously has the munchies from smoking...eehhhem...pot. There is no question about it - the kid is quite clearly a reefer. Anyway, the Jack head tells him to get 30 tacos and if you were unsure at this point you would be completely sure - the kid has had some weed recently.

Funny, funny crap. But how can they put that on daytime TV? I appreciate the humor, but I think it's a little overboard for the kindergarteners. Is the Jack in the Box corporation just banking on the mass public being completely ignorant to the real point of the commercial? They should've just been outright about it and said, "Hey, if you get the munchies after you get high, come to Jack in the Box cause we'll won't tell anyone you're driving under the influence of the shredded cannabis you lit and shoved up your nose a half an hour ago." Smoke up kids...mommy 'll take you to get some tacos...


Monday, January 16, 2006


This is where I'll be on Tuesday while you all are at work...haha! All the fresh powder for me!


Sunday, January 08, 2006

Aint Modern Medicine Wonderful?

So I had this conversation the other day about idiots. Introductions out of their way...the meat of the conversation was that we are actually making the world stupider with all the advances in modern medicine. The proof is in the picture...

OK - the real proof: think about this. In medieval times a person was expected to live under 40 years - for the most part the average lifespan was only 33 years...less if the person was really stupid. That means that stupid people have less time to reproduce other stupid people - thats a very good thing. Unfortunately, modern medicine allows these stupid people to live on, reproduce more often and more, and then get senile enough to mess sane people up still more as the respirator and dialysis machines keep gramma going. I'm not anti-old, but I am anit-idiot. America is especially bad at creating idiots - reason you ask?

America doesn't actually creates stupider people, we just let them speak. WE NEED IDIOT POLICE! We can call it the intellect patrol or something actually witty. I don't mind if you voice your opinion - the 1st Amendment is great, but people seriously need to start checking at least 50% of their facts before they about how crappy our country is and start blaming he/she/them/their/they for the problems that this world has. Maybe we just need to start sending people on vacations to Iraq when they do something idiotic in public.


Thursday, January 05, 2006

There and Back Again by J.F.

The Crusade trip went off without a hitch. We met early morning Dec 28, 2005 and drove to the Alamo gas station in Sparks to fill up. We didnt even get out of the gas station before we got in trouble with security, one truck forgot a tarp and had to go back, and one guy backed his parents Jeep into a pole...I think they are still mad. We took about 50 pictures of the people in the van more out of boredom than anything else. Here's one of Jen Boyd and I :)

Outside the parking lot, we made pretty good time (if you can call it that) up to Spokane, was a 15 hour car ride...yeeeeaaaaa. I think just about everyone took a nap through the first session the night of Dec 28 - a 15 drive with little or no sleep the night before will do that to ya. Oh yeah, I forgot about A-hole intersection on the way up...I must tell this story. We pull into this little po-dunk town in western Idaho where they are working on the only stoplight in town. The whole intersection is shut down, but nobody is directing traffic...ah, it's lunchtime. Is the WHOLE workcrew supposed to take lunch at once? I guess it works if your from Idaho. Anyway, we take a left and fillup on gas...then the addicts spot it...Buckies. I like Starbucks, but it has to be in this town...why me? We go back across the intersection...still no workers. We enjoy our seen in the picture...

Afterwards, we try to continue on...but we can't. The workers got back from lunch...a LOT of them! Aparently we can't take a right now that they are working again. OK, fine..."how do we get through?" I ask. The worker says to go straight through (back to the gas station we started at), do a u-turn and take a left. OK...NOT. We waited in line for 3 cycles of every other line to go...this guy had a power trip. Then, finaly our turn! Nope! I go to turn left and the worker runs in front of the ASUN van - I almost ran over the dude. Red faced and screeming he runs to my window..."WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" I calmly answer..."taking a left". He replies..."YOU CAN'T - YOU'LL GET A TICKET IF YOU DO"...aparently very flabbergasted. Aside from running this dude over I have no idea what to do so I ask him how to get around onto the road we need and he proceeds to give me the best directions of my life..."TAKE A LEFT AT THE NEXT LIGHT". I take a left at the next light...into a Home Depot parking lot. Cool would not describe my internal demenor at this time. OK, try the next one I think. Nope, the next light gets us lost in some neighborhood. We finaly got a call..."we have GPS, stop and let us lead". We finaly got back on the road and on our way - away from that horrible A-hole intersection. That dumb place cost us like an extra hour.

We all had a great time up there. I may follow up with some posts of what I learned...once I process it all. I will share a highlight though. There was this seminar on defending the Word in a university setting. It basically showed some of the commen arguements used to discount the Bible's creditbility, threw down and whooped some "A" on th lies that "scholars" come up with. My analytical mind went to town - I enjoyed that a lot. Another neat feature was a lady doing interpretive paintings during the main sessions.

As always, the conference throws a killer New Years are some pics...

The drive back was rainy for the most part. There was about an hour of extreme wind that was a little freaky to drive in and also about an hour of snow, but like I said...rain, rain, and more rain for most of the drive. The biggest event on the return was getting stuck in the mud. The same girl that forgot a tarp and cost us an hour the day we left drove into some mud in this field in Idaho...another hour gone. She tried to rock it out...didn't work. She tried to drive backwards...didn't work. We tried using tie downs as tow you can guess how that worked. Finally we dug her out, piled chunks of asphalt and shoved bushes under her tires, and pushed...IT WORKED. BUT EVERYONE GOT MUDDY! We made a huge mess in the van...that was so so so much fun to clean up...LOL. We drive 5 minutes to the gas station to clean up and the gas station losses power while we are there! What the HELL?!?! That town is now called Hellsville. All in all the return drive was 16 hours and we got back at 2 am on Jan 2, 2006.
