Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Sunday, November 27, 2005

To Mouse or Not To Mouse

So my roomie, Matthew, swears we have mice. He's been telling Justin and I these stories for 2 weeks now. We put out mouse trap the night he first told us.

Guess how many mice we've caught?
Big fat ZERO!!
Guess how many mice we've have seen?
Big fat ZIPPO!!
Guess how many traces we've seen?
Beside our own mouse traps, NOTHING.

I think Matthew has officially lost his mind. Last week he even swears he found a nest in his drawer. He promtly carried it out the garage...I took a nest...crazy he is. Maybe I should start suggesting that little tiny dragons are running around the house and see if he believes me?

If I do ever find any traces I may have to borrow Hunter from you Noel - animal/animal carnage is always so much more fun than machine/animal carnage...hehe...

P.S. Just thought I'd announce that I love the picture that I found.


Thursday, November 24, 2005

Bodily Functions and Habits

Excrement Allergy:
My body is allergic to itself. Every time I take a duce my nose goes in hypoallergenic mode and acts more like Niagara Falls than the Hoover Dam it should be. Does anyone else have this problem? It's so odd...

Strange Bathroom Habit:
Since I am on the subject of my quirkiness in the lavatory I thought I'd share another story about my neurotic tendencies. While preparing to whiz standing up I roll my right ankle so my foot is at a 30° angle to the floor and leave it there – if I don’t notice – until I’m done with my business. It’s like clockwork…I do it every time. I’m like a pointing Labrador and The Great White Hunter all in one.


Sunday, November 13, 2005

Think about it

When Shontell was pregnent with her lasted spawn I made a comment that I have regretted since the synapsis in my brain fired the impulses to finish the words in my foolish sentence. Betcha wanna know what I said huh? Well...I can't remember the words, but I give you the jest of it..."Wow, you're huge!" you must understand the context of my comment actually pertained to the size of her round belly compared to the slenderness of the rest of her. Her belly looked huge because she was, and is, so skinny. I think she may have taken it offensively though - like a told her she was the fattest person in the world when she really was feeling like she was. Yeah, I've felt dumb for a long time on that one. So, sorry Shontell. I really did mean to complement you, sorry it came out so wrong...


Thursday, November 10, 2005

Long time - no blog

I wish I were not such a boring person. At times I sit to blog and I never get anywhere. I write one sentence and realize I have got nothing to say. I see this in my personal life too. I have a habit of causing akward silence in perfectly normal conversations. Not that I say anything horribly wrong or innapropriate - I just give answers of such a succinct nature that I quickly bore the conversee and subliminaly encourage them to find another conversation partner. Is this just a male thing? I think yes, to a degree. Though, I belive the mind engineer to be especially good at this. Two strikes - I am male AND I am an engineer. So not only are my conversational skills stereotypically bad, but the parts that are there are actually designed and ingrained to be as concise as possible. While beneficial for professionalism, this creates a large problem when attempting to find a mate. LOL. I guess I'll just have to rely on my good shape to do this...wait, I don't think women like round. My last resort - be nice as heck and hope somebody likes me for have been force fed way too much Stewart Smally. Have no fear, I am only partially serious; honestly, I am really not as lame as I make myself out to be...or am I...?
