I am dumb for asking

Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...
I'm having one of those weeks where complete thoughts are very much lacking. I kinda feel like my brain is numb from sensory overload, but I've done so little it must from sensory underload. I've sat down a few times and tried to post something, but what comes out? Bleeeeaaaahh... So, instead of making this week about one post - it will be many posts sandwiched, mixed, and strewn about in very orderly fashion that makes sense only on a train of thought sort of level.
So, a while back I posted some of my happy thoughts about going back to school. One of those I mentioned was seeing a girl (lets call her Nay) that I liked and getting to lead and serve with her in Cru. I deleted that one because I was afraid she would read it, but now that I am fairly confident she will never visit this website I would like to bring it up again...