Proof that nobody ever know's what's going on...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


thanks is something i dont do often enough. i think i am thankful a few days a, i think i'll make up for the other 351.7 days that i am pretty thankful and be thankful for a lot of things today...

i am thankful for (in no particular order except the first two):
-my God/my Jesus
-my beautiful, loving, caring, Godly wife
-my parents
-Brenna's parents
-all my aunts, uncles, cousins, sisters, brothers in law, nieces, & nephews...and grama
-a roof over my families head
-home cooked food on my table (my wife)
-a car that works well
-the Christmas lights flashing on my porch
-my job
-my comfy doc marten's
-the mountains outside my apartment window
-my church family
-God's peace and presence in my life and marriage
-4 day weekends
-my good health
-my college degree (3 more weeks!!!!)
-a warm place to sleep at night
-my strategic placement in my job to be a light to the lost
-et cetera


dive into the pit

first off, i must apologize to any of you who hold the city close to your heart...i do not...and i dont know why you would...

Brenna and i are leaving tonight to drive to LA for the holiday weekend. i guess i really dont have anything bad to say about the city past the horrible smog, absurd traffic volume, seeming omnipresence of gang members, decrepit public school system, most of the celebrities we all love to hate live there, and...oh yeah...Arnold is the govenator...! i'm excited...

no, really...i am. i have never meet Brenna's older sister (or brother in law) so i am excited to meet them. i also have some family down there that we are going to meet up with. family is what makes the holidays anyway. why is it that all that matters about the holidays when your young is the stuff you get? but then, when you get older, it's all about the time you spend with people? the latter is so much more fulfilling...American's should try teaching their children this at a younger age. and i digress. we are driving through the night so we can spend all of thanksgiving day with her sister and brother in law...then some fun with my cousins, aunts and uncles on friday and saturday followed by a poker party on saturday night. then drive back on sunday and start a whole fun week of "why didnt i take a vacation on my vacation?"


Sunday, November 19, 2006

dmv says what?

so i couldnt even begin how much fun i have been having changing all my address information and all my personal data over to the new, married me. but certain things in particular have been extra special to me. one thing is very special to my dmv change of address sticker. here i am thinking it normally takes forever to get my new address sticker in the mail. i am thinking that for some reason they would send my notification of address change on my registration a week sooner than they would send my address sticker for some reason. no...not really.

i received a letter in the mail from patty fox of vegas...i'm thinking...**what the heck? who is this person? long lost relative? oh, maybe a check for the wedding!! mmm...excitment.** but no. this letter from vegas was my new address label for my license...did you catch that? FOR MY LICENSE. good job nv dmv...patty fox of vegas totally needed her address label...AND MINE! what the heck? isn't that, like, illegal in some way? it's gotta be...


Friday, November 03, 2006

Yeah, that's right

What's it like to be a married man? It's cool. Sure there are hardships and tough isnt pretty, but relishing the good times is a great way to stay happy right?

My Top 5 of Marriage @ 2 weeks in:
1.) Freedom - before, there are little bits and peices you have to hold, it's all me baby!
2.) Proximity - before, driving here there and everywhere to see, she sleeps in my bed!
3.) Good food - dang, she's a good cook!
4.) Good times - we got hooked on Lost and we have been renting the first two seasons and going through's been a fun activity!
5.) Understanding - getting to know my best friend better is hard, but fun!

Look for more top 5's in the near future...
