Homes, Mortgages, Commutes...Oh My!
Brenna and I have started the house search. Man, being a first time home buyer is confusing. Does everything about buying a home have to be so confusing?
I called Countrywide and got pre-qualified early so when find a house we like we can go for it. We've had a lot of conversations about square footage, commute time, good zip codes vs. bad ones, etc...and we've looked at a lot of houses online - most in Stead, some in Donner Springs. I sure wouldn't mind being close to work, thats for sure! We've also liked a lot of homes out in Stead because of the price per square foot, but I am not looking forward to the traffic ridden commutes...
And despite our best efforts to avoid it, it looks like Brenna is going to have to find a job. It's a bummer, but for now it will work. Once the house is established and I get a nice salary bump at work we can do the kids thing...and Brenna can stop working. (God willing and fingers crossed!)
Anyway...anyone have any advise?
Hows the traffic for the 8am and 5pm commute out to Stead from South Reno?
Anyone have/know of a good job for Brenna?